November 30, 2015

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

I know for some it can be difficult to get into the Christmas Spirit with so much life happening around us. Not to mention that here in California we don't have any snow... *Sigh*. Don't get me wrong, the only day I really miss the snow is on Christmas day, but I definitely notice the struggle to get festive. After growing up where there was snow from October to March most years, I think there is just a sense of that family feel that comes when there is snow outside. You know, cuddled up in front of the fire place, with a hot cup of apple cider or cocoa, watching your favorite Christmas movies! On top of all that, the demands of life of those around us have seemed to steal the joy from our society, but we can do our part to take just a little time out of our day to help restore joy to those around us. Especially if you are feeling down this season, one of the greatest things I've learned is I always feel better when I take the attention off my situation and bless someone else. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Says Acts 20:35b ESV.  That's part of why I wrote this last year for the Christmas season and thought we could all come together again and help spread some Christmas cheer and put some smiles on the faces within our spheres! From December 1-25 I have posted a task to complete for each day and scripture references you can read and talk about as a family! Just click on the current day on the left of the page, and have fun!!  I'm so excited to come together again this year to help bring the spirit of Christ to light, by sharing love and joy in different areas of our lives. This can be something the whole family can do as a way to talk about the story and reason for Christmas, so take some time together, have fun, and get creative! If you are up for the challenge, take a picture of you and your family completing the task of the day and post the picture on Instagram using the hashtag #CheerfulDecember so we can all follow along! Merry Christmas and let's make this December one full of cheer!       

December 25, 2014

Day 25

The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! Luke 2:11   Merry Christmas everyone!! Christmas is here, on this day our Savior was born!

As we read Luke 2:1-40 today I pray that even in the busyness of the day, that we take some time to digest all that takes place in this passage. Let's put ourselves in Mary's shoes for a moment. Here she is, nine months pregnant,  probably wanting everything prepared for her new arrival, and they are forced to move, essentially. Not like today where you get a group of guys together and bribe them with some pizza to pack everything into a truck in one day for you. They had a much different experience. Can you imagine a very pregnant woman traveling from Nazareth to Bethlehem, almost 90 miles by foot (or donkey)? That journey would be difficult for anyone, through the hills and poor weather conditions. I would imagine they could only travel a short distance each day due to Mary's pregnancy, so we can estimate they were traveling for well over a week.

After such a grueling journey, wouldn't it be nice to have a reunion with loved ones and kick up your feet? Especially for a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, because of the census, many others had already traveled into town and guest rooms were already occupied. Family and friends were already trying to make room for other house guests when Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem, which as you know, left them to cozy into a less than accommodating stable.

Soon after, our King was born! The beginning of His ministry on Earth had begun! Mary are Joseph were amazed at what was being said about this new little life they just watched come into the world (see verse 33). Then Simeon gave them a glimpse of what was in store for Jesus' life in the next verse. However, regardless of what prophetic word or blessing the community offered, their response was full of praise toward the new born King. Could that be true in your life as well? That our response to Jesus could always be full of praise? Even when we know there will be strife and pain along the way, can we still remember who He is? What He has done for us? How He loves us so deeply he humbled himself in matchless ways?

As we complete our Christmas Advent my prayer is that you are left changed, in the best way. That throughout this next year you will continue to reflect on the things we talked about and read, and will see this season through a renewed perspective. Wish someone a heartfelt Merry Christmas today and rejoice in the fullness of what those two words encompass.

On a personal note, Merry Christmas to you and your families. I have truly been blessed by watching all of you reach out to your community, dig into your Bibles, and explore the true meaning of Christmas. There is a part of me that is sad to sign off as we conclude our advent, but I would love to hear how the Lord has blessed you and spoken to you this month. You are all so incredible for your dedication during the busiest time of year, but I pray you have had a more cheerful December than ever before!

Christ is the Lord
Praise His name forever
His power and glory 
Evermore proclaim


~ Chelsea

December 24, 2014

Day 24

Christmas Eve is here! Yahoo!!! What an amazing time I have had writing each day to rediscover and reignite the story and meaning of Christmas! I pray you have been blessed, challenged,  and strengthened through the reading and study each day. In addition I pray you were able to see God's love through your willing and obedient hands this month as you spread light and Christmas cheer within your sphere.

In Luke 1:26-56 and Matthew 1:18-25 we see the same story told from two different authors. Take some time today, maybe snuggled in bed, or in front of the fire place, maybe sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of tea, where ever you find yourself, dig into the meaning and depth of what is taking place.

Can you imagine what Mary must have thought? What was she feeling? I'm sure it's safe to assume she was feeling fearful, as all new moms do, of her ability to care for not just a child, but the Lord! That is such a humbling thought! She was going to conceive and give birth to a helpless child, just like us, that would need care and attention. For those of you that are moms, I'm sure you recall the day you found out you were going to have a child and the roller coaster of emotions that went through your mind, simultaneously. How about when you brought that baby home for the first time, and you realized just how needy one little life could be? Changing diapers, feedings, crying, getting spit up on, rocking, more diapers.... Having flashbacks? Mary was about to take on all of this and more!

Have you ever thought of your Lord and Savior as a helpless little child who spits up on himself and isn't potty trained? Yeah, me either. Yet, that is exactly what Jesus did. How can we even fathom that kind of humility? I heard it explained this way before. Imagine if your dad told you he was magically going to turn you into a rodent (stay with me). You have the choice to opt out, but you trust your dad, so you agree. In doing so, you leave the world and conveniences you know for a less civilized environment and world, to say the least. You become surrounded by filth and are forced to live in ways you never imagined. Sleeping outside, eating whatever you can find, no restrooms, no showers.... you get the picture. Would you do it? But that is exactly the kind of love Jesus has for you! He left heaven, humbled himself completely and lived as a you and me! Dirty diapers, spit up, crying to communicate, the whole shebang. For over 30 years he lived and walk among us in our living conditions, when he knew there was a much greater place and way of living that existed in heaven! Incredible!

That really has nothing to do with the task for the day, but I was challenged by that thought as I was preparing for this post and wanted to share with you. Today your objective is to do something special as a family! Enjoy them! Thank God for them, where ever they are!

Have an incredible Christmas Eve everyone! I'll be posting one last post tomorrow for CHRISTMAS! = )

December 23, 2014

Day 23

Just two more sleeps until Christmas! Can you believe it? What an incredible journey we have had this month together. The next few days will be filled with things to do and places to be, so I will keep my sentiments brief.

This morning while reading Matthew 2:1-12 I found myself wrapped into a portion of the Christmas story where the wise men followed the star to find the newborn King. But even with the birth of our savior, there was still darkness in the world. When King Herod found out about this 'king of Kings' being born, he was jealous, threatened, and angry about the news. He tricked the wise men into looking for Jesus, with plans to kill him, given the chance. But the Father knew all along, the greater purpose he had for those wise men.

When you look at nativity scenes, what do you notice about the posture of those around Jesus? They are either facing him in adoration or kneeling in surrender. What is your posture towards Jesus? As you read more about the wise men you will see how they followed the light of that star so they could worship the true King. They worshiped Him by kneeling down and offering gifts. They surrendered all they had in awe of the living God in front of them. These wise men set an incredible example for us all to give our gifts and talents to Christ. If we allow them to be used for His work, our posture will easily become surrendered towards him.

The gospel is filled with incredible Christmas tales that are filled with so much revelation about the coming of Christ. The Bible isn't just a story to read, but truth to be lived. But today, read your favorite Christmas story, from the Bible or not. Oh what fun it is to snuggle under a blanket and get lost in the pages of a Christmas time story.

I'm going to leave you with some questions to ponder on and pray about today. Think of ways you can position yourself in the correct posture today and the coming year in surrender to Jesus. What gifts or talents do you have that could be used for His glory that maybe you aren't offering yet? Are you following His light to seek Jesus?

December 22, 2014

Day 22

Do you ever have those moments you just want to somehow capture and keep forever in your reality? Those moments in time when you know too soon it will become only a memory, yet you try and slow down as much as you can to take in every detail?

Last night I was seated in our living room. Just before we were going to take our little guy to bed, he climbed into my lap, tucked my arm under his head, curled up and laid there peacefully. I asked him if he was ready to go to bed and he softly grunted as to say no. I asked him if he wanted to lay down in his bed, and again, softly grunted. So then I asked him if he just wanted to stay where he was, and as he gently closed his eyes, he sighed in agreement. I mean, come on! How could I deny that!? In that moment I just held my sweet little boy and admired what a special little boy he is to us. He finally surrendered and slipped away into a peaceful slumber. I just stared at his innocent little face and began to weep with gratitude for all God had placed in my arms! So incredibly thankful for everything He provides and blesses us with. One of those moments.... I wished I could have savored forever. I would have stayed there all night (if my arm wasn't loosing feeling).

I imagine Mary must have felt something like that when she looked upon the face of her newborn baby. She was holding in her arms, not just the most precious gift in her life, but to all the world! What a moment in history for us to savor. Can you even conceive what that must have felt like? The world had just witnessed the greatest moment in all of creation. The people must have broke out in singing and shouting to the Lord in awe of His mercy and love! Think of how many Christmas songs must have been sung on that day!

Let's deeply consider Psalms 100 today. Rejoice! Sing out loud with praise! Are there moments in your life you just want to sing a song, jump, shout for joy, or dance? Can you recall a time in your life that still brings joy to your heart? Consider those things that cause you to rejoice, that initiate Christmas cheer from the depths of your soul! Sing a Christmas carol to him today that reflects your thankfulness toward God and his gift to the world. What an incredible time of year to refresh our minds with what makes everyday so special. Our Savior has come and completed his mission on Earth!!!!! Take some time to consider what moments God has given you to keep as treasure. What is your favorite Christmas memory? Is there a Christmas carol that takes you back to a time of rejoicing?

Because Jesus was born....the weary world rejoices!

December 21, 2014

Day 21

As a little girl, I have many memories of driving around the town with my family hunting for a house covered with Christmas lights! We would look for the illumination glowing in the the distance and then do our best to navigate through the neighborhood to pinpoint the lit house. We would usually take the scenic route as we searched, but sure enough we would find the house responsible for the Christmas ambiance. As soon as we saw the the lights, we would slow the car down and all gawk out the window in adoration. What a beautiful sight! Do you have any special memories of looking at Christmas lights?

Today, I want us to read a few scriptures to possibly notice a parallel to this Christmas tradition of hanging lights from our home. In Matthew 4:12-17Isaiah 9:1-3, and Matthew 5:14-16 we see three passages all talking about light! But not just any light, it's referring to the light of Jesus! In the latter verse, we see Jesus speaking about how we handle light. We don't hide it, we place it where it will give light to everyone.

I'm reminded of a time growing up when our power went out.... for two weeks!! There was a terrible snow storm where we lived in the mountains, that caused many trees and power lines to fall. We moved all our refrigerated food outside into the three feet of snow on our back deck. We pulled out all the blankets and lit an old fashioned oil lantern at night. We would all be huddled around the table together and set the lantern in the middle of the table so we could all see. I'm sure you would agree it would be foolish for us to have a lantern and not use it, or light the lantern and then put it in an unoccupied room.

However, as Christians, I feel we can slip into a place of darkness, not because we don't have access to the light, but because we are not taking full advantage of it's resources. The light that is within us can often be hidden under stress, shame, our past, unforgiveness, and the list goes on. We can never dim the light within us, but in our humanity, we can conceal it's beauty.

From the beginning of this advent, our goal was to be a light this Christmas season and let it shine! Let is shine, let is shine.... This little light of mine... I'm gonna let it shine.... Oh sorry, I got caught in song! You too, huh? Over these last few weeks, you have been positioning the light within yourself where it can be seen! Your project for the day it to scope out some Christmas lights and enjoy their beauty. People all over our nation have hung lights outside their homes, for the world to see a symbol of the light of Jesus.

My prayer as we come nearer to Christmas and concluding this advent, is that the light you carry will continue to shine brighter and brighter each day. That throughout the coming year, you will be reminded of the power and beauty that lives within you!

December 20, 2014

Day 20

Yesterday we talked about generosity. I want to use that as our foundation for today. There are so many great examples throughout the Bible that show the generosity of God, but one area I want us to focus on today is how he served others.

In Mark 9:33-37 we come on the scene of Jesus talking with his disciples about what it is to be the greatest in the kingdom. It's not good looks, or a sense of humor. It's not contingent upon your family tree or even how many hours you spend in the word (although, those are all good things to possess). He talks to the disciples about being the servant of all, to become the greatest of all. This even applied to Jesus, even in his deity, we know that all throughout the gospel we see his life as a living sacrifice as articulated in Matthew 20:28. He was born to serve, not to be served.

I'm reminded of all creation, the plants, the animal... everything. They have a purpose... and it is not to be served. But rather to serve in some way. The plants provide oxygen for us to breathe, the animals provide food for us to eat, even spiders (which I despise, because of my lack of understanding) have a purpose and a way they serve the overall picture of life as we know it. So where do we fit in this puzzle? We are set apart from those things, and yes, we were given dominion over all these things, but are we exempt from serving? Of course not, we too, are called to serve.  It's just another way God interacts with you and me. He requires our participation.

So what does a servant of all look like? Just that! Putting everyone's needs before your own. To be a servant of all you must live by the equation that others > yourself. You are valuable and vital my friend, please don't misunderstand. I believe Jesus is encouraging us to see beyond ourselves to the needs of others. Can you think of someone that might need a pick-me-up? Maybe a family that would be blessed by a hot meal delivered to their door. Maybe a hot Christmas coffee for someone who works hard. Maybe a lunch date with a friend who needs someone to care. I don't know what the needs are in your sphere, but I would bet, that just as you read this, you are thinking of someone. God has entrusted that person (those people) in your life, and His Word says to serve others. Even if that means taking time out of our busy schedules to make a treat, run an errand, or go to coffee with a chatty friend. His Word says that we will be made the greatest in the kingdom. We may not always see the fruit of what we sow here on Earth, but we can have confidence that our service is pleasing to the Lord.

So today, think about being the servant of all. Hold the door open for that stranger today. Compliment the gal behind the counter. Send an encouraging text to someone, just because. Ask God to show you what you can do today to serve those around you. In small ways, and on a larger scale. I believe you will feel so encouraged by the time the day is'll lay your head on your pillow, thinking about the lives God was able to touch through your service to them today.

5 more days to Christmas!!! Eeek!!

December 19, 2014

Day 19

God is so generous in all that he does and all that he is. When we read Isaiah 9:6-7 we can dig deeper into who Jesus is in our lives. Think of all the ways he has lived up to the different names he has, in your life. How has he shown himself to you as Wonderful Counselor, or as Mighty God?  Can you think of a time you recognized him as Everlasting Father, or Prince of Peace?  He is sufficient in all things and comforts us in every way we need. But does he ask for anything in return?

In 1 Timothy 6:11-16 we hear the instruction given to Timothy. This is certainly not a requirement, but in the loving way of God, he suggests what is best for us. He/we is/are to walk rightly and generously.

So after understanding those two passages, I'm encouraged, that if God is faithful to sustain us and comfort us, then we will have everything we need to fulfill our work of the kingdom. He will give you strength for whatever he has asked you to do. He will give you love and mercy when you take a wrong turn. He will give you comfort and peace when you are feeling discouraged. He will always be with you for every season, every moment of your life, to bring you everything He is!

It's Friday, so let's reach out and follow the example we have in our lives and spread some generosity. Find a nearby RedBox and leave a couple bucks or a valid promo code on the kiosk, to buy someone's movie! Maybe even leave some popcorn or another treat along with it. I found some great printouts from another blog on Pinterest if that suits you. It will bless you to leave something for someone to find and bless their evening. (Just don't stand by a RedBox and offer to pay for someone's movie with your card... if they don't return it, you will get charged for any fees.)

I'm really looking forward to seeing your #CheerfulDecember posts from today! Just think, we are all coming together, to bless others and share the generosity of Christ with others. You all have been doing such and incredible job! I pray you are continuing to be blessed and encouraged each day through this advent. Less than a week till Christmas!!

December 18, 2014

Day 18

I love playing games! Cards, board games, interactive, you name it! I just love spending time with family, all playing with the same goal. When playing games however, there are a few things that need to be established before you can begin, right? What are the rules? Are there teams? Who will go first? Once these simple items are arranged, then the game can proceed.

The life of Jesus was no game, but this illustration helps us to understand God's order. Before the Word could play out as it was written, there were certain things that had to be established. In John 1 we read the account of Jesus from the Apostle's perspective. You will see that John was sent first so that Jesus could come after him. In other words, John got the first turn, to allow Jesus to have a clear path to victory.

Verse 6-8 says, "God sent a man, John the Baptist, to tell about the Light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony. John himself was not the Light; he was simply a witness to tell about the Light." If you have a candle in your home, you know that it can be lit to create light. But you would never think of taking responsibility for the light it produces. That is exactly what John was doing. He was making a way for the Light to be seen, but was secure in knowing he was not the Light himself.

I love that John makes a point in verse 15 and again in verse 30, that Jesus was living before him. However, if you think back to when we studied the story of Elizabeth and Mary, John was born six months prior to Jesus. So what does he mean when he makes this statement...twice?

John the Baptist recognized that Jesus was living long before He ever came to walk among us. John establishes that the living Word of God, had become flesh on the Earth, through the birth and life of Jesus in his humanity.

So, what does that tell us? That there was a Savior all along! Jesus was not plan B or an afterthought. In fact, I will go as far as to say, that everyday leading up to the life of Jesus, was preparation for his ministry here on Earth. And if that is true, than the same thought can be applied to your life as well. That everything in God's word, in the lineage of your family, the history of your environment, everything, was also preparation for your ministry. God in his sovereignty knew exactly what you needed to hear, read, feel, etc, to equip and inspire you for the work He designed you for.

Today, I think it's fitting to light a candle in your home and play a game with your family! How fun! Consider the light that illuminates from the candle, then establish who will go first to set the game in motion.

December 17, 2014

Day 17

Everyday we have been discussing and visiting different stories throughout the Bible to help us understand and dig deeper into the meaning of Christmas. John 3:16 is a verse I'm sure most of you are familiar with, but it is one that could sum up most of our discussions over the last couple of weeks.

So what does it mean? That God loved the world, loved you, so much that he sent a savior. Not just anyone, but his one and only son. Sent to the world to purchase our freedom with death. Wow! Isn't that so incredible. No other place on this Earth will you find a love like that.

During a time we are hoping and wishing for certain things to be under the tree, or dreaming of that perfect gift, pause for a moment and consider all we do have. Today is simple, yet I believe it to be so important! Praise! Praise the Lord for all that we have, in His word, in our lives, in our hearts, in our future! Spend some time today praising God for John 3:16. Because Jesus willingly died for our sins, all you have to do is believe and you receive the greatest gift. I hope you have great joy in the knowing of your salvation. That you are thrilled and confident in who you believe in and whose you are!

Praise the Lord!!!!!

December 16, 2014

Day 16

How many hours do we put into preparing for Christmas each year? Decorating the tree, the inside of the house, the outside of the house, buying presents, wrapping them, making goodies, and the list goes on and on. We make it a priority this time of year to ensure our homes look extra special, to search for the perfect gift and to spend more time with family. We work diligently to make sure everything is in order so when Christmas morning is here, we can rest at ease.

After reading Matthew 25:1-13, can we ask ourselves a few questions? What preparations are we making for the return of Jesus? Are we making Him a priority and working diligently to prepare for his return in our lives. Let's start with a simpler question. If you knew someone was coming over to your home at midnight, would you make sure everything was tidy and be ready to greet your guest at the door? Now let's imagine you knew Jesus, the King of kings, was coming to your home for dinner.... would every decision you made that day be focused around what would be pleasing to Him? What dishes to set out, what to make for dinner, what color linens for the table, what to wear, and so many other details.

So let's consider that thought again. If we knew Jesus was to return for the second Advent tomorrow, what would you make a priority today? What would you change about your daily life? Would you forgive someone? Would you speak differently? Would you pray more? Would you withdraw from sinful behavior? Would you complete a project? Would you pursue that ambitious goal?  If you can think of something, make a diligent effort to accomplish that item before finishing your day.

I know the demands of life can easily derail us from keeping what is pleasing to Jesus our absolute focus. But today, more than before, I want us to make a conscious decision to consider Jesus in everything you do. Because we know, Jesus is returning, and no one knows when.

In 2 Peter 3:9  it says "The Lord is not slow in doing what he promised—the way some people understand slowness. But God is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to be lost, but he wants all people to change their hearts and lives." God wants all of His children home in time for dinner, so to speak. He is very patient with us, like any loving father would be, but he desires the hearts and lives of the lost to be changed. Ephesians 5:27 says "He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault." The Lord plans to return to a church that is flawless. In other words, Jesus desires to return with everything in order.

So with that said, your objective for today is to invite someone to church. This time of year people are usually more open to going to church for Christmas, so we have a great opportunity and responsibility to connect with someone and include them during our church services. With Jesus on His way, we want to prepare everything we can... including the 'guest list'. So let's not just prepare for Christmas, but let's prepare our hearts and lives and include those around us, for the return of our Lord!

I'm praying courage and boldness for you all today! Ask God to lead you and show you who he wants you to invite to church. He will give you the perfect words to communicate your invitation. Don't just invite someone to check it off your list of things to do, but because your heart aches to please the Lord! You can do it! I know you can!

December 15, 2014

Day 15

Can you believe we are on day 15? Craziness! You know what that means though.... only 10 days until Christmas! How's that Christmas shopping coming?

I'm going to jump right into our reading today in Matthew 25:31-46. Jesus is speaking of the end time judgement. He speaks about being a stranger and being brought in. I want you to ponder for a moment who in your sphere may be a stranger. Maybe people you see often, but know nothing about. In this passage, I'm challenged by thinking, would I treat my neighbors, landscapes guys, mailman, etc. differently if they displayed the face of Jesus? Are you thinking of someone? Would you act differently towards those people if the resembled the face of Jesus?

Today your challenge is to leave a little something for your mail carrier. You can leave a thank you note, some more of your cookies, a mini gift.... whatever you would like. Today, I pray that we can all become 'the least of these' for those that help make our everyday life what it is even if it is in the simplest way.

That's it! easy peasy. eh? I know Monday's can be busy and demanding so have fun with it. But have a great time being a blessing today to someone who may need it most right now. Pray for whoever receives your treat!

It was so cold in our house last night, this was my attire while writing! Haha

December 14, 2014

Day 14

When our lives seem to be in utter chaos and spiraling down, our first human reaction can easily be to run away or try to escape. We try to avoid harm to ourselves, sometimes in desperation, even at the cost of others. Can you recall a situation in your life you felt like the best option was to escape?

But God's reaction to the chaos and downward condition of the world was a bit different. He sent His son to live among us. Jesus humbled himself and walked slowly through the crowds. He went into people's homes, communities, and their lives to help, heal, and teach. Even with the world coming against him before his crucifixion, he still made it a priority to serve and teach the disciples and those around him. God's generosity and overwhelming love for others delivered a Savior, eternal life, and freedom to those who believe. He saved us, because of his generosity, because he didn't cower at the situation at hand like you will see in 1 John 4:10.

In our culture today there are many brave men and women who exude similar qualities, or even more than that, make it a part of their job description. Your local firemen and policemen are the focus today. These heroes continually defy our human reaction to avoid danger and conflict. They face it head on to keep us safe. Through training, hard work and dedication, these men and women walk into situations everyday, that we would normally run from.

In Acts 20:35 you can see Jesus teaching us to work to help those that are weak. I am so thankful for our public safety service members, helping to share God's light, by helping those that may not be able to help themselves. But today, our commission it to complete the second part of that verse and be a blessing to them. (Remember those extra cookies we made/bought yesterday?) Take some time today to visit your local fire station and/or police station and deliver some of those delicious treats! Make sure they know how grateful you are and how much God loves them. They don't close for the holidays, or the weekend, or at night.... they are there, on call, ready to run to your aid when needed.

Isn't that just like Jesus! He doesn't take time off, he doesn't have hours of operation, he doesn't even have an appointment desk. He is on call, readily available, whenever and wherever you need him!


December 13, 2014

Day 13

I don't know about you, but baking sugar cookies can be one of the most difficult tasks to get right. Don't get me wrong, I love to bake, but it almost seems impossible to get them juuuusst right! When the timer goes off they look like a straight salmonella risk, so you set the timer to let them bake for a bit longer.... then BAM! Over cooked! Just like that! The result is usually that I am left with a bunch of cookies that are not perfect enough to gift or present to anyone without insulting them! So who ends up eating them? This girl... yeah, the one with the wide hips.... Why do I even try?

Now I know I might be over dramatizing a bit, but I would imagine you have experienced something similar in your kitchen. Have you ever experienced something in your life that felt that same way? No matter how hard you try, it just isn't seeming to come together the way you know it should? For me, there's more impossibilities I experience than just successful sugar cookies.You too?

Well, today I want to bring your attention to Luke 1 where we see a few examples of how God made the impossible, possible. As you will see, Zechariah and Elizabeth were following what seemed to be a simple task of having children, but were not successful. They followed God's instruction (just like my sugar cookie recipe), in fact in verse 6 it shows that they were without fault in keeping his law. But even still, they were unsuccessful at having children. But Zechariah (in verse 8) still served those around him. Even when things weren't going the way he thought or had planned, you still see him being faithful to serve. Wow! I love that! And wouldn't you know it, that is right where his solution came? An angel appeared to Zechariah and told him (in verse 13) that his prayer had been heard by God. That they would bring forth a child who would bring joy and gladness to many! As you read on, you will see that even though Zechariah doubted, God was still faithful to confirm His word and do the impossible!

There is so much more I could dig into within this chapter, but I want you to see how God speaks to you through this familiar story that follows. Do you see how God made the impossible possible for both Elizabeth and Mary? Do you notice the sovereignty of God within the chemistry of their relationship?  What is their response to God's actions? Read Jeremiah 32:17 and then consider, what are some areas in our lives that seem impossible? What are those things that we are believing God for? What will be our response?

I'm going to challenge you all to the impossible... sugar cookies! Just kidding! You can make whatever you like best, but today's task is to make a treat of some kind. Make some extra if you want any for yourself, because they won't all be for you.... (we are going to need them for tomorrow's activity).

Be encouraged today that we serve a big God who defies all impossibilities that restrain us. He has heard your prayer and he is with you! Do not be afraid! Let your response to him be praise, for He knows the end from the beginning and desires what is best for you, always!

Here is the before picture of my sugar cookies....

Daddy was trying to expose Noah to the job of licking the spoon, but he wasn't having it.

December 12, 2014

Day 12

To say the Christmas season is busy can be an understatement. Go shopping, wrap the gifts, send the packages, stuff the Christmas cards, clean the house, attend company holiday parties, catch up on all the Hallmark Christmas movies....... you get the point. And then here we are, adding to your list of things to do. (What was I thinking?) But, as we all know too well, it is the love-hate relationship of the season. I pray that this advent is not adding to your list of obligations, but adding to your soul!

The word 'Selah' is used in Psalms repeatedly and is believed to translate; 'to pause'. With that being said, your task today is to take a break from the demands of the season, tuck yourself into a quiet place, and spend some time in prayer. Selah. Pause. Pray.

Pray for your community, church, neighbors, the people God has put in your life, your friends, your enemies, yourself. In Luke 11:1-13 you can examine Jesus' response to the disciples regarding how to pray. Make note of areas within these scriptures that can be relevant to your life. Today, let's stand together and believe for all God wants to do in and through our lives. Are there certain scriptures that you lean on in your time of prayer? What are some verses that you stand on in times of need?

Follow the prompting of  Psalms 62:8. Trust in him and pour out your heart. So take a deep breath, thank God for filling your lungs, and then use it to communicate with him your heart. To praise him and sing songs in his name. Selah.

December 11, 2014

Day 11

Can you imagine with me for a moment that you were a part of the Walton family, who owns Wal-mart and is one of the richest families in America. What if you were next in line for your inheritance and then, told you cannot have it? In the passage today you will see a similar situation, before God sent His son. We see how before Jesus came, there was no inheritance for us from God, but the latter part of Galations 4:1-7 introduces us to our inheritance, bought through the life and death of Jesus. It states that we were all adopted into the family of God so that we may receive our full inheritance. Do you know what that means? You are the son/daughter of a king... the King, with full access!

We may see Princess Kate on the magazine covers and think to ourselves, "Must be nice to have everything". What exclusive privileges and rights do you think royalty brings? But that raises another question. Are you living your life as though you have been adopted into the Royal family of Christ? You are the son/daughter of the most high, the Lord of lords, the King of kings! Go ahead... take a minute to revel in that reality for a moment. Verse 7 shares with us that God will fulfill his promise, because we are his children.

Today, your task is to "adopt" a family, a friend, a charity and donate. To you that may mean a family you know that is in need this season, or a local church or charity that can distribute your donation. It may be food taken to your local food bank, or clothes and goodies taken to a local women's shelter. Whatever that looks like to you, make plans today to share some of your rights and privileges with others.

Have an incredible day everyone, and remember, you have been given full access to all the royalties through Christ.

December 10, 2014

Day 10

Do you remember when you were a kid and a piece of mail came with your name on it? Quickly the questions began; who is it from, what's inside, what is it for, what does it say? I know for me, I would quickly rip open the envelope, look inside, discover what was now mine, and celebrate. Then in that moment of glory, I would pick up the envelope just to read my name on the front again. However, once you're an adult, it seems the joy of receiving mail with your name on it is just not the same (if any). Between bills and junk mail, all we are really doing is digging through the pile of mail in hopes of finding a hand addressed sentiment from someone you actually know! Am I right?

The early church certainly received their fair share of mail. In fact, most of the New Testament is made up of letters. Today, our reading is in Acts 15:22-31 where you will find a letter from the apostles and elders to the Gentile believers. Consider what you think the purpose of their letter was. What was the response from those who received it?

Your task for today is to buy or make a Christmas card to write a letter to someone. Think of someone who has been a blessing to you over the last year... last month... last week. Maybe someone you don't always have communication with, someone far away, someone nearby, an old friend, a new friend, or someone who may need the encouragement. You certainly can send more than one, but share your heart with those who may have touched your life in a special way. Read verse 31 and let that be your aim for your recipient, as you draft your letter.

We are all recipients of the greatest letter ever written. Jesus wrote you a beautiful letter called the Bible, that tells of His great affection for you. I would love to hear, what has been the most meaningful part of His letter to you?

December 9, 2014

Day 9

Do you want to build a snowman?  Did you just sing that like I did while typing it? I have many memories as a child going outside, all bundled up, and building something in the snow with my brother. He was more of the architect so he usually constructed a first class igloo that could house our whole family. Me on the other hand would get bored sometime before he would finish, wonder off, and starting rolling snow in hopes to end up with the makings of a snowman. Then at some point I would need big brother to come help me lift the big blob of snow to stack together the pieces before I could start decorating my new friend. Just thinking back to those times, I can almost feel the cold, crisp air in my nose, my soggy, frozen gloves, and the crunching snow under by boots. If you have ever been around a lot of snow, you know that there is nothing else like it. I love how it covers everything around you to create a stunning white blanket to cover the earth and sparkles in the sunlight.

Today I want us to read a few verses that depict that same pureness in us. 'As white as snow' are the words used in Isaiah 1:18 to describe our condition through God's forgiveness compared to our sins. Then again in Psalms 51:7 you can see a similar illustration. But how can this apply to you and I? I'm so glad you asked! 1 John 1:9 says "But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." This scripture articulates that we can be made 'white as snow' by confessing our sins and recognizing Jesus as our savior. That's it! The weary world rejoices!!! (Did I get you singing again?) Of course, God knows everything about us all, but I believe there is power in recognizing and bringing to light those things that we often keep hidden.

So your task for the day is two fold. First, take some time today to confess your sins to God and thank him for his Son, mercy, and forgiveness. That He would deliver a savior to us, so we could be cleansed and made white as snow. Secondly, build a snowman. While you are creating your snowman, consider how through the life of Jesus, he has made us all "snowmen", if you will. And just like snow, each person is beautifully different, but when God is among us, we can cover the earth and sparkle in His light!

I hope the next time you see a snowman you are reminded of this illustration. Have fun today making your snowman! Don't forget to use the hashtag #CheerfulDecember when you post.

Here is the one I made. I just used some paper I had to cut out the different shapes.

Even Noah painted a snowman picture!
16 days until Christmas!!!!!

December 8, 2014

Day 8

Congrats! You made it one week through! Great job! Today should be pretty easy so you can relax a little after a busy weekend!

Who likes candy canes? I don't know about you, but I had no idea about the relevance of the candy to this season, other than seeing them everywhere. Today's reading as you might guess is in Luke 2:1-20, where we come on the scene of shepherds. These shepherds are famous for their "candy cane" walking sticks, but I guess I never put two and two together! Ha.

Can you imagine what that must have been like for the shepherds? As you read you will see verse 10 where it states " but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people." Today, your task is to take a candy cane to a friend, teacher, neighbor. Bring them good news and joy! Pray about who might need a surprise visitor or an extra visit from a friend. Take them a candy cane and pray with them if you feel comfortable. If you aren't able to connect physically with your recipient, you can always leave it on their door or desk to find later like I did. Also, if you don't have extra candy canes around the house, I found some 12 inches tall at the 99cent store of all places. They had regular and mini sizes also.

Have fun with this today and remember... Don't be afraid, He is the good news!


December 7, 2014

Day 7

Tables topped with assorted treats, refrigerators filled with home cooked meals, pie and whipped cream calling your name? It comes with the territory of the season I'm afraid. That's why you should be grateful it get colder this time of year... perfectly dignified reason to wear sweat pants all day! ... Just me? Anyway, as you well know, this time of year is usually a time of feasting, gluttony, extra helpings at dinner, etc.... but today I'm challenging you to fast for the day. Even though I'm using food as an example, I think it is important to search your heart and ask God what he would have you give up for the day.

Carefully read Isaiah 58 and Matthew 6:16-18 to hear God's heart on the topic of fasting. Whatever you decide to give up, it shouldn't be a public decision, but rather a private devotion toward God. If you are posting your daily pictures, or would like to leave a comment, I would love for you to share something that touched your heart today in your time with God. It can be a scripture, a phrase or word that has been on your mind... whatever has stirred you, you are welcome to share. What you decide to give up, however, is between you and God.

As you will see from your reading today, fasting is designed to draw you closer to God and separate you from the things that hinder your relationship with Him. It could be a variety of things; such as a bad habit, a sinful desire, a mindset, the way you speak, a stronghold, etc. The purpose is whenever you feel a hunger towards that choice, decide to seek God and hunger after His word in it's place. As Isaiah explains in verse 13, "don't pursue your own interests....don't follow your own desires or talk idly." For one day, let's press into our self sacrifice, deny our fleshly desires, and seek after God's heart. Verse 14 goes on to say that He will satisfy you!

You can do it! I know it!

I hope that you are all being blessed and challenged through this advent. We are one week in, and I pray you are all able to see the fruit from what you have sown in your heart and those around you over the week.

December 6, 2014

Day 6

This time of year you can look around and see Christmas lights shining on the wet roads, or glimmering off the snow. You can look through the windows of houses as you drive by and see decorated trees topped with stars or angels. Blow up snow globes and Santas might be propped up in someones yard, or even a nativity piece. However, it's more difficult to find a cross front and center in the mix of all the Christmas decorations. So today, your challenge is to make a cross. Use your creativity, simple, difficult, cheesy or not, let's make a cross to remind us that this is the season of Immanuel: God with us!

In the reading today you will see the story unfold about the coming of our Savior. Isaiah 7:10-14 reveals that through the virgin Mary, the son would be born. In Matthew 1:22-23 it is echoed again. And in John 1:14 we see that God's word become flesh. But take notice that these three passages describe not only was Jesus coming, but where we would find him. In Isaiah and Matthew, the name Immanuel is defined as 'God is with us'. In John it says that He has made his home among us. Wow! Isn't that amazing! Even when Jesus came into the world, as a vulnerable infant, He still held the title of Immanuel. He has always been and will always be with us!

Let us not forget. He dwells with us! So use your creativity, or go on Pinterest for "cross crafts" (see below), or whatever fits your fancy and create a cross to remind you that God is with us! After you make your cross, however it's unique to you, put it somewhere you will see it often, to be a reminder that Immanuel is with you.

Have fun with it! I cannot wait to see what everyone creates! This is what my hubby and I decided to make.

Here are just a few images I found while browsing for ideas. 

December 5, 2014

Day 5

This time of year can be a bit overwhelming as we prepare for the holiday, with visitors, extra finances, pressures of the approaching new year, etc. Sometimes we can allow the noise of life to overshadow what this season is really about... our merciful God who sent His son to be among us for our atonement.

Today, your task is to watch a Christmas movie! Yeah!! But more than that, I want you to make yourself something warm to sip on, get snuggled under a blanket, relax, and get comfortable! Today's focus is comfort! Take some time today to read through Isaiah 40. First, consider what kind of comfort you need most today... the comfort of a Father? The comfort of a friend? The comfort of security or love? Second, dig deep into the secret places of your heart to unveil where your comfort is placed.

As you will see, in verse 3, Isaiah says "Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord!" I love this because it reveals that sometimes our lives can feel as though we are in the wilderness, barren and alone, but how important it is for us to make room for our Lord. The verses that follow, go on to explain the refining process more or less of what is required to reach verse 5 that states "Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together." Give your heart fully to God to not only allow him to shape and mold you, but to heal those wounded areas and bring you rest. Let him walk with you through the wilderness.

The chapter goes on to say just how marvelous God is! He hung each star, and yet calls you by name. He is your ultimate comforter and healer and he wants to exchange your worry for his comfort. That is the whole reason He sent us Jesus. Verse 31, at the end of Isaiah, and also in Matthew 11:28-30, we are shown just a few benefits of surrendering to God fully.

So like I said, today, I want you to relax and find comfort... spiritually and physically. In every way you are able! 1 Peter 5:7 says to "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." Once you have found comfort in your Father, friend, the secure one, who loves you, enjoy your movie!

I curled up with my little boy, all snuggled in his Christmas jammies, sat next to my honey and watched "Elf". 
You are all doing great! Just 20 days until Christmas!!!! Keep going!

December 4, 2014

Day 4

Day 4! How is everyone doing? Feeling strong? I hope you are finding joy each day and taking time to pause and relish in all God is doing in your life! I pray you know His great love and see Him working through you this month especially!

Speaking of His great love, today I would like us to read just a few verses in 1 John 3. Wrapped up in those first three verses are a depiction of God's adoration for us. We are his children, the ones he has brought into His family. Wow! Have you ever considered that? We are not only personally invited to eat at the King's table, but we aren't just a guest, we are family.

So what does that mean exactly? Allow me to explain a little more. Tuesday for example, was one of those days you literally crawl into bed and thank God for tomorrow. My day started of pretty normal, but soon became quite eventful. Long story short, I expertly... accidentally... spilled coffee all over myself. Not just on my shirt or on my jeans, but on top of my head. I was trying to give my son his blanket, while holding him, and my full cup of coffee. And there it went, oozing down my scalp and dripping onto my white shirt. So, needless to say, I had to make a speed stop at Target to grab a new shirt off the clearance rack and a hat to cover my now crunchy hair before my doctor's appointment. (We weren't late, praise the Lord!) But oh, that's not all! Later that day, we stopped at Michael's to get a few things and when we left it was raining outside. I quickly loaded my son into his car seat, but he was playing with my keys and pressing buttons on the key faub. I was afraid he was going to set off the panic button so I took the keys away and finished strapping him in. Trying to avoid getting too wet, I closed his door and went to jump in and realized I had placed the keys, with my phone, on the middle console...... and the button he pushed was... the lock button! So there I am, locked out of my car, with my keys, phone, son and my husbands keys, all inside the vehicle, standing in the rain, praying for help! So why do I say all that? To say that even with the failure the day brought, my coffee crunched hair and wet clothes, my family still welcomed me and loved me.

That's our God!! Regardless of your day, your past, your sin, your shame... He still welcomes you to come join Him and He loves every minute of it! And even better, God's love is exponentially greater than any other love we have ever experienced! I could go on and on about His overwhelming love!! Today's reading (in verse 1) articulates that there are some people that do not know they are God's children. They don't know they are welcome at His table because they identify themselves in the world. Dine with Him, friends and let's do our part to spread the word that everyone is already considered God's family! Cover them with love and welcome them, just as Christ offers you!

Today is about family! Your task for today is to help someone in your family with something! Maybe it's helping with a household chore, taking care of an errand for them so they don't have to worry, helping to complete something they couldn't complete on their own, etc.... get creative! Ask God to show you how you can help and what He would have you do in your home today to create that sacred family feeling of love for those in your house.

Here is my little guy getting in on all the fun and helping mommy clean house today!

I decided I would take out the trash (all the way to the dumpster) for my hubby today!

I'm praying for you all and am so encouraged by your feedback. I would love to continue to see pictures and hear how God is speaking to you through this advent challenge.

December 3, 2014

Day 3

Have you decorated your home yet for Christmas? If you have, you are a step ahead of our family this year. We aren't even going to get our tree until Sunday! I can't wait!!! I love decorating the tree while listening and singing along to our favorite Christmas songs. Ever since I was a wee little one, the first song we play when the tree goes up is Barbara Streisand's version of "Jingle Bells"! If you haven't heard it before... fasten your seat belt and prepare to... well... laugh at me, probably! You can listen to it here if you want to take a trip to the 1960's. 

Anyway, back to decorating... Today, I am going to challenge you to follow a pattern, decorate, and examine your heart! Can someone say, snowflakes? Wait..., what? It had been a long time since I had cut a snowflake out of folded paper, so I ran into some challenges before I finally went online to find a template. Once I had the template it was a breeze. It's amazing how instruction, better yet, detailed instruction can help guide us.... even if it is just cutting out snowflakes. So today, have fun decorating with some cut out snowflakes (you can always use your creativity here and of course let the kiddos make their own unique snowflakes). As you follow the pattern of the snowflake, consider God's detailed instruction, in Exodus 25, to the people of Israel to decorate the tabernacle. 

Personally, I love how the chapter begins in verse 1-2 "The Lord said to Moses, “Tell the people of Israel to bring me their sacred offerings. Accept the contributions from all whose hearts are moved to offer them." As you hang up your snowflakes, examine your Christmas decorations and how they signify your relationship with Jesus. Are our hearts moved to offer everything we have to Him? Are we moved to offer those things that are most sacred to us? God prefaced His instruction, in Exodus, of what would be accepted based on the condition of their hearts. He then gives detailed blueprints as to how to decorate. To conclude the chapter, God stresses the importance of remaining in accordance to the "pattern" shown to them. Just like staying within the pattern of the snowflake, God has given us the ultimate blueprint for our lives through His living Word! His word is something we should always have with us to help us navigate through life. After you hang them somewhere in your home, I hope each time you see your snowflakes, they are a reminder to you of the well thought out detail God has for your life, and the instruction manual He has given us. 

Here's how some of mine turned out!

Today, the cheer is for you, given through God and his amazing love!

December 2, 2014

Day 2

Great job for everyone that was able to complete Day One!! Wasn't that such a great feeling to leave something for someone and just imagine the smile it put on their face? I love sowing seed for God, because he is always faithful to see it through. So even though we may not have seen the person when they received their greeting, we can trust that God was able to move in their life, in that moment, to some degree... And He used YOU to do that!! Great work!

So, day two!!! Are you ready? Let me ask you a question first... When was the last time to thanked a soldier? Well, if it's been a while, here's your opportunity! Today's task is to hand write a letter to a soldier and send it snail mail for a hero to receive for the Christmas season. We are able to share the love and truth about our Lord and Savior because the brave men and women that defend/ed those freedoms. Regardless of their personal agreement with political decisions, they still stand united for our country with a hope that they are making a difference. Often times they are deployed and far from their families for long periods of time, enduring and witnessing what we couldn't even imagine. So, that is the task for today. Take some time to express your gratitude for their sacrifice and share the comfort of God with them in your own words. You can find more details about where your letters will be going and find your nearest Red Cross, here. Once you write your letter, address the envelope (you can use the one we used listed below also), pray for who will receive it and drop it in the mailbox (the deadline is the 5th).

Don't worry I didn't forget about today's reading. The scriptures today are talking about the generations that led to the birth of our Savior in Matthew 1. The first 17 verses breakdown the lineage of Jesus and the remaining verses illustrate how Jesus was given to the world. While reading the first section, I was reminded how much history and foundation was laid to create the perfect situation for Christ to come. God in His sovereignty, strategically watched over His word to bring it to pass! Have you paid notice to the history and foundation in your own lineage that has paved the way for you to fulfill what God has in you? For some, your past or family history may look broken, but I want to assure you that as you read through the Old Testament, Jesus' ancestors didn't have it all together either (which is why we needed a savior). God knew all along that we would need Him to overcome this world, and indeed we did, through Jesus Christ, the ultimate gift!!

In addition, I pray today you take some time to reflect on just how blessed you really are! Where you live, the freedoms you have, the God you serve, the history you have, and the destiny within you! Amen!?

See you all tomorrow! Don't forget to post about Day 2 using #CheerfulDecember.

December 1, 2014

Day 1

Let it begin!! Today's task is to leave a special note for someone to find. It can be a hand written note, a drawing of Christmas, or you can use this Cheerful Note our family used. We decided to print out several and conspicuously leave them on cars in well lit parking lots, but you can certainly decide to leave it for a special someone you know, on a neighbor's door, or on someone's desk. We included the information for the advent on our note, so if anyone else along the way wants to jump in on the fun, or post about how they were blessed, they can use the hashtag! 

Today's scripture is Luke 2:21-40 to read and talk about as a family as we begin this 25 day journey of reigniting the reality of this season! In our reading we especially rejoiced in the knowing of verses 30-32 that say: "I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel". Doesn't that just bring peace to your soul? There is a Savior, who brought salvation for all people! 

My prayer for the duration of this advent is that you and your family would have another reason to discuss how great our God is, or rediscover how overwhelming His love is for you. I pray that you will be blessed and be able to be used as a vessel for the working of the Kingdom. In addition, my prayer is that we can bring joy and light to those around us by initiating a smile or a leap of joy wherever this journey may take us.

Here are just a few pictures of us distributing our notes! What joy we found knowing that someone would walk out to their car, maybe after a day at work, or on their way to work, or just a quick drive over to the grocery store, and find a cheerful note waiting to greet them! We prayed for each person that would find the note and had so much fun deciding who (or what car) would be blessed.... wondering, who will it be? How will they react? Will it be blown away in the wind before it is found and end up in someone else's hands that needed it more? Oh how I love the mysteries of God and how he includes us!! 

Ok everyone! Your turn! Have fun being a blessing today! I can't wait to see all your #CheerfulDecember posts!