How many hours do we put into preparing for Christmas each year? Decorating the tree, the inside of the house, the outside of the house, buying presents, wrapping them, making goodies, and the list goes on and on. We make it a priority this time of year to ensure our homes look extra special, to search for the perfect gift and to spend more time with family. We work diligently to make sure everything is in order so when Christmas morning is here, we can rest at ease.
After reading Matthew 25:1-13, can we ask ourselves a few questions? What preparations are we making for the return of Jesus? Are we making Him a priority and working diligently to prepare for his return in our lives. Let's start with a simpler question. If you knew someone was coming over to your home at midnight, would you make sure everything was tidy and be ready to greet your guest at the door? Now let's imagine you knew Jesus, the King of kings, was coming to your home for dinner.... would every decision you made that day be focused around what would be pleasing to Him? What dishes to set out, what to make for dinner, what color linens for the table, what to wear, and so many other details.
So let's consider that thought again. If we knew Jesus was to return for the second Advent tomorrow, what would you make a priority today? What would you change about your daily life? Would you forgive someone? Would you speak differently? Would you pray more? Would you withdraw from sinful behavior? Would you complete a project? Would you pursue that ambitious goal? If you can think of something, make a diligent effort to accomplish that item before finishing your day.
I know the demands of life can easily derail us from keeping what is pleasing to Jesus our absolute focus. But today, more than before, I want us to make a conscious decision to consider Jesus in everything you do. Because we know, Jesus is returning, and no one knows when.
In 2 Peter 3:9 it says "The Lord is not slow in doing what he promised—the way some people understand slowness. But God is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to be lost, but he wants all people to change their hearts and lives." God wants all of His children home in time for dinner, so to speak. He is very patient with us, like any loving father would be, but he desires the hearts and lives of the lost to be changed. Ephesians 5:27 says "He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault." The Lord plans to return to a church that is flawless. In other words, Jesus desires to return with everything in order.
So with that said, your objective for today is to invite someone to church. This time of year people are usually more open to going to church for Christmas, so we have a great opportunity and responsibility to connect with someone and include them during our church services. With Jesus on His way, we want to prepare everything we can... including the 'guest list'. So let's not just prepare for Christmas, but let's prepare our hearts and lives and include those around us, for the return of our Lord!
I'm praying courage and boldness for you all today! Ask God to lead you and show you who he wants you to invite to church. He will give you the perfect words to communicate your invitation. Don't just invite someone to check it off your list of things to do, but because your heart aches to please the Lord! You can do it! I know you can!