December 20, 2014

Day 20

Yesterday we talked about generosity. I want to use that as our foundation for today. There are so many great examples throughout the Bible that show the generosity of God, but one area I want us to focus on today is how he served others.

In Mark 9:33-37 we come on the scene of Jesus talking with his disciples about what it is to be the greatest in the kingdom. It's not good looks, or a sense of humor. It's not contingent upon your family tree or even how many hours you spend in the word (although, those are all good things to possess). He talks to the disciples about being the servant of all, to become the greatest of all. This even applied to Jesus, even in his deity, we know that all throughout the gospel we see his life as a living sacrifice as articulated in Matthew 20:28. He was born to serve, not to be served.

I'm reminded of all creation, the plants, the animal... everything. They have a purpose... and it is not to be served. But rather to serve in some way. The plants provide oxygen for us to breathe, the animals provide food for us to eat, even spiders (which I despise, because of my lack of understanding) have a purpose and a way they serve the overall picture of life as we know it. So where do we fit in this puzzle? We are set apart from those things, and yes, we were given dominion over all these things, but are we exempt from serving? Of course not, we too, are called to serve.  It's just another way God interacts with you and me. He requires our participation.

So what does a servant of all look like? Just that! Putting everyone's needs before your own. To be a servant of all you must live by the equation that others > yourself. You are valuable and vital my friend, please don't misunderstand. I believe Jesus is encouraging us to see beyond ourselves to the needs of others. Can you think of someone that might need a pick-me-up? Maybe a family that would be blessed by a hot meal delivered to their door. Maybe a hot Christmas coffee for someone who works hard. Maybe a lunch date with a friend who needs someone to care. I don't know what the needs are in your sphere, but I would bet, that just as you read this, you are thinking of someone. God has entrusted that person (those people) in your life, and His Word says to serve others. Even if that means taking time out of our busy schedules to make a treat, run an errand, or go to coffee with a chatty friend. His Word says that we will be made the greatest in the kingdom. We may not always see the fruit of what we sow here on Earth, but we can have confidence that our service is pleasing to the Lord.

So today, think about being the servant of all. Hold the door open for that stranger today. Compliment the gal behind the counter. Send an encouraging text to someone, just because. Ask God to show you what you can do today to serve those around you. In small ways, and on a larger scale. I believe you will feel so encouraged by the time the day is'll lay your head on your pillow, thinking about the lives God was able to touch through your service to them today.

5 more days to Christmas!!! Eeek!!

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