December 5, 2014

Day 5

This time of year can be a bit overwhelming as we prepare for the holiday, with visitors, extra finances, pressures of the approaching new year, etc. Sometimes we can allow the noise of life to overshadow what this season is really about... our merciful God who sent His son to be among us for our atonement.

Today, your task is to watch a Christmas movie! Yeah!! But more than that, I want you to make yourself something warm to sip on, get snuggled under a blanket, relax, and get comfortable! Today's focus is comfort! Take some time today to read through Isaiah 40. First, consider what kind of comfort you need most today... the comfort of a Father? The comfort of a friend? The comfort of security or love? Second, dig deep into the secret places of your heart to unveil where your comfort is placed.

As you will see, in verse 3, Isaiah says "Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord!" I love this because it reveals that sometimes our lives can feel as though we are in the wilderness, barren and alone, but how important it is for us to make room for our Lord. The verses that follow, go on to explain the refining process more or less of what is required to reach verse 5 that states "Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together." Give your heart fully to God to not only allow him to shape and mold you, but to heal those wounded areas and bring you rest. Let him walk with you through the wilderness.

The chapter goes on to say just how marvelous God is! He hung each star, and yet calls you by name. He is your ultimate comforter and healer and he wants to exchange your worry for his comfort. That is the whole reason He sent us Jesus. Verse 31, at the end of Isaiah, and also in Matthew 11:28-30, we are shown just a few benefits of surrendering to God fully.

So like I said, today, I want you to relax and find comfort... spiritually and physically. In every way you are able! 1 Peter 5:7 says to "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." Once you have found comfort in your Father, friend, the secure one, who loves you, enjoy your movie!

I curled up with my little boy, all snuggled in his Christmas jammies, sat next to my honey and watched "Elf". 
You are all doing great! Just 20 days until Christmas!!!! Keep going!

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