December 6, 2014

Day 6

This time of year you can look around and see Christmas lights shining on the wet roads, or glimmering off the snow. You can look through the windows of houses as you drive by and see decorated trees topped with stars or angels. Blow up snow globes and Santas might be propped up in someones yard, or even a nativity piece. However, it's more difficult to find a cross front and center in the mix of all the Christmas decorations. So today, your challenge is to make a cross. Use your creativity, simple, difficult, cheesy or not, let's make a cross to remind us that this is the season of Immanuel: God with us!

In the reading today you will see the story unfold about the coming of our Savior. Isaiah 7:10-14 reveals that through the virgin Mary, the son would be born. In Matthew 1:22-23 it is echoed again. And in John 1:14 we see that God's word become flesh. But take notice that these three passages describe not only was Jesus coming, but where we would find him. In Isaiah and Matthew, the name Immanuel is defined as 'God is with us'. In John it says that He has made his home among us. Wow! Isn't that amazing! Even when Jesus came into the world, as a vulnerable infant, He still held the title of Immanuel. He has always been and will always be with us!

Let us not forget. He dwells with us! So use your creativity, or go on Pinterest for "cross crafts" (see below), or whatever fits your fancy and create a cross to remind you that God is with us! After you make your cross, however it's unique to you, put it somewhere you will see it often, to be a reminder that Immanuel is with you.

Have fun with it! I cannot wait to see what everyone creates! This is what my hubby and I decided to make.

Here are just a few images I found while browsing for ideas. 

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