December 15, 2014

Day 15

Can you believe we are on day 15? Craziness! You know what that means though.... only 10 days until Christmas! How's that Christmas shopping coming?

I'm going to jump right into our reading today in Matthew 25:31-46. Jesus is speaking of the end time judgement. He speaks about being a stranger and being brought in. I want you to ponder for a moment who in your sphere may be a stranger. Maybe people you see often, but know nothing about. In this passage, I'm challenged by thinking, would I treat my neighbors, landscapes guys, mailman, etc. differently if they displayed the face of Jesus? Are you thinking of someone? Would you act differently towards those people if the resembled the face of Jesus?

Today your challenge is to leave a little something for your mail carrier. You can leave a thank you note, some more of your cookies, a mini gift.... whatever you would like. Today, I pray that we can all become 'the least of these' for those that help make our everyday life what it is even if it is in the simplest way.

That's it! easy peasy. eh? I know Monday's can be busy and demanding so have fun with it. But have a great time being a blessing today to someone who may need it most right now. Pray for whoever receives your treat!

It was so cold in our house last night, this was my attire while writing! Haha

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