Tables topped with assorted treats, refrigerators filled with home cooked meals, pie and whipped cream calling your name? It comes with the territory of the season I'm afraid. That's why you should be grateful it get colder this time of year... perfectly dignified reason to wear sweat pants all day! ... Just me? Anyway, as you well know, this time of year is usually a time of feasting, gluttony, extra helpings at dinner, etc.... but today I'm challenging you to fast for the day. Even though I'm using food as an example, I think it is important to search your heart and ask God what he would have you give up for the day.
Carefully read Isaiah 58 and Matthew 6:16-18 to hear God's heart on the topic of fasting. Whatever you decide to give up, it shouldn't be a public decision, but rather a private devotion toward God. If you are posting your daily pictures, or would like to leave a comment, I would love for you to share something that touched your heart today in your time with God. It can be a scripture, a phrase or word that has been on your mind... whatever has stirred you, you are welcome to share. What you decide to give up, however, is between you and God.
As you will see from your reading today, fasting is designed to draw you closer to God and separate you from the things that hinder your relationship with Him. It could be a variety of things; such as a bad habit, a sinful desire, a mindset, the way you speak, a stronghold, etc. The purpose is whenever you feel a hunger towards that choice, decide to seek God and hunger after His word in it's place. As Isaiah explains in verse 13, "don't pursue your own interests....don't follow your own desires or talk idly." For one day, let's press into our self sacrifice, deny our fleshly desires, and seek after God's heart. Verse 14 goes on to say that He will satisfy you!
You can do it! I know it!
I hope that you are all being blessed and challenged through this advent. We are one week in, and I pray you are all able to see the fruit from what you have sown in your heart and those around you over the week.