Christmas Eve is here! Yahoo!!! What an amazing time I have had writing each day to rediscover and reignite the story and meaning of Christmas! I pray you have been blessed, challenged, and strengthened through the reading and study each day. In addition I pray you were able to see God's love through your willing and obedient hands this month as you spread light and Christmas cheer within your sphere.
In Luke 1:26-56 and Matthew 1:18-25 we see the same story told from two different authors. Take some time today, maybe snuggled in bed, or in front of the fire place, maybe sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of tea, where ever you find yourself, dig into the meaning and depth of what is taking place.
Can you imagine what Mary must have thought? What was she feeling? I'm sure it's safe to assume she was feeling fearful, as all new moms do, of her ability to care for not just a child, but the Lord! That is such a humbling thought! She was going to conceive and give birth to a helpless child, just like us, that would need care and attention. For those of you that are moms, I'm sure you recall the day you found out you were going to have a child and the roller coaster of emotions that went through your mind, simultaneously. How about when you brought that baby home for the first time, and you realized just how needy one little life could be? Changing diapers, feedings, crying, getting spit up on, rocking, more diapers.... Having flashbacks? Mary was about to take on all of this and more!
Have you ever thought of your Lord and Savior as a helpless little child who spits up on himself and isn't potty trained? Yeah, me either. Yet, that is exactly what Jesus did. How can we even fathom that kind of humility? I heard it explained this way before. Imagine if your dad told you he was magically going to turn you into a rodent (stay with me). You have the choice to opt out, but you trust your dad, so you agree. In doing so, you leave the world and conveniences you know for a less civilized environment and world, to say the least. You become surrounded by filth and are forced to live in ways you never imagined. Sleeping outside, eating whatever you can find, no restrooms, no showers.... you get the picture. Would you do it? But that is exactly the kind of love Jesus has for you! He left heaven, humbled himself completely and lived as a you and me! Dirty diapers, spit up, crying to communicate, the whole shebang. For over 30 years he lived and walk among us in our living conditions, when he knew there was a much greater place and way of living that existed in heaven! Incredible!
That really has nothing to do with the task for the day, but I was challenged by that thought as I was preparing for this post and wanted to share with you. Today your objective is to do something special as a family! Enjoy them! Thank God for them, where ever they are!
Have an incredible Christmas Eve everyone! I'll be posting one last post tomorrow for CHRISTMAS! = )
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